Launch Your Child for School Success

Note: Ann K. Dolin, M.Ed. has been kind enough to do several guest posts for ADD Moms and ADD Student. Since ADD Moms tend to have ADD kids, I thought they would be appropriate on both sites. Michael is a freckle-faced fourth grader always on the move. He loves to read, write and do well […]

ADHD: A Natural Solution

One of the most common questions I get is about managing ADHD without medication. For some, it’s being afraid to put themselves or their child on stimulants. For others, it may be a matter of insurance or finding a doctor to prescribe it. And for still others, it may be just a desire to use […]

Hunters, Farmers, and Med Free with ADD

The following is an excerpt from my Med Free with ADD program. Thom Hartmann is the author of several books about ADHD, notably “ADD: A Different Perception”. He first became interested in the subject when his son was diagnosed. He disliked telling his son that he had a “deficit” and a “disorder” because he knew […]

Depression: Helping Yourself

If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you probably know that I suffer from depression. Depression is one of the things that may accompany ADHD. You see, ADHD never travels alone; it always brings something else along with it. Anxiety, depression, and learning disabilities are just a few. I really believe that […]