Making the Most of Sunday Dinner

Making the Most of Sunday Dinner An ADD Woman

Starting the Week Off Right For most of us, the week begins on Sunday. Although many of us don’t work that day, it’s still the day to get ready for the week. And that includes making the most of dinner time. When I was a kid, Sunday dinner was a big deal. We went to […]

Sheet Pan Meals for the Win

Sheet Pan Meals for the Win

Let’s Talk About Sheet Pans And sheet pan meals, too. Doesn’t that sound like the most interesting conversation you’ll have all week? Well, nevertheless, it must be done. First, too many of you have poor quality sheet pans. I know because I own 4 of them myself. One was from my bridal shower (I’ve been […]

Prep Ahead for Quick Dinners

prep ahead for quick dinners

What’s for Dinner? Don’t you love that question? Well, if you learn to prep ahead, you can have a quick answer, and a quick dinner on the table in no time. You can even make it healthy! Prep Ahead The key to all of this, of course, is preparing ahead of time. It isn’t that […]

Do You Need Thanksgiving Help?

Thanksgiving, turkey, meal

Please Tell Me I’m Not the Only One Please tell me you’re cooking Thanksgiving dinner too. If you are, I have a gift just for you! And if you’re not – lucky you. Either way, I am here to help. Be sure to Pin this to your Thanksgiving board. That way, you always know where it […]

Simplify Grocery Shopping

Do you do the grocery shopping at your house? I once had a group of friends when I was younger, and out of all of us, I was the only one who did the shopping. My friends’ husbands did theirs. Now my husband and I share the job, but I’m the one who does all […]