45 Organizing Ideas from Jillee

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I’m always happy to share great resources when I find them. One Good Thing by Jille is a blog I visit every day. I love her DIY homemade cleaners – so much better environmentally – and just all of the good ideas she comes up with.

One Good Thing By Jillee

Today she did a post about 45 Simple, Creative Spring Organizing Ideas.

You have to check it out. The only bad thing is that there are so many good ideas, you’re going to have a list a mile long of things you want to try.

I like the one about how to keep your razor from falling down in the shower, filing cabinet for laundry supplies, cereal boxes as drawer organizers, the hairstyling bin, organizing cords, and well, you see what I mean. A mile long. Really.

Check it out. And try to restrain yourself if you can. 😉

Picture of Lacy Estelle

Lacy Estelle

Lacy Estelle is the writer of Lacyestelle.com and the Podcast host for An ADD Woman.

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