89 Tips

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My friend Cara from The Household Helper generously donated a free ebook called 89 Money Saving Tips to any of my readers who purchase the Financially Free with ADD email coaching program.

Just to give you an idea of how great this book is, I’m going to give you one of her hints:

9. Allowance Do not forget to give yourself an allowance for things you enjoy. Even if on a tight budget, buy something that you enjoy, which could be as simple as buying a new shirt or grabbing lunch at your favorite café. If you do not allow yourself this small “splurge”, you could find yourself in the same position as if dieting. Total deprivation leads to overindulgence.

OK. Here’s another one:

57. Online Shopping Many online businesses offer great bargains and in some cases, free shipping. Since the Internet is such a competitive market, you can usually find fantastic deals. In addition, many of your favorite businesses where you shop in person have websites that offer even greater savings. Bookstores such as Amazon.com will sell books up to 70% off the original price. KeyCodeCoupons is another online business that sells lists closeout items, coupons and specials. Another way to save online is to join a reward program such as Ebates. And as always, comparison shop! I recommend Shopzilla – they do all the research for you!

Although money saving tips aren’t particularly a part of what I blog about, the fact is that many people with Attention Deficit Disorder have a hard time managing their money. And I don’t mean investments – I mean the checkbook and the bills!

In today’s economy, anyone could use a few money saving hints, and if your ADHD has gotten your finances in trouble, you can use them all the more.

Picture of Lacy Estelle

Lacy Estelle

Lacy Estelle is the writer of Lacyestelle.com and the Podcast host for An ADD Woman.

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