Almost everyone starts the new year with a resolution or two. Lose weight, exercise, stop procrastinating, the usual.
And at some point not too far in the distance, those high hopes will fade.
On Christmas day I got a Fitbit and vowed to give up Cheetos. I thought for sure that since it was made before New Years day it would stick.
I lasted 4 days. Sigh.
In addition to kicking the Cheetos habit and losing weight, another thing that I want to accomplish in 2015 is to get rid of a lot of the stuff in our house, clear out and organize what’s left, and then keep it that way.
Not too much to ask, right?
Well I know as well as you do that we’re all going to need some help to get stuff done this year. And it just so happens that I have a couple of really cool resources for all of us to get the help that we need.
The first one is from Ashley and her husband Jamin who write at The Handmade Home. They are offering The Lazy Gals Guide 2015, 12 weeks of purging schedule just as part of the regular blog posts. I recommend adding their blog to your reader if you use one so that you don’t miss a thing.
And the second resource is from Home Storage Solutions 101 – a 52 week guide to getting organized.
There is nothing to do with this one at all, except sign up if you want. Each week already has a link to the content, so you could jump right in if you want. Careful that you don’t do too much and get overwhelmed. Each week is really comprehensive, so don’t feel bad if you don’t get it all done. Just focus on the biggest problems each week.
Be sure to check back now and then; if I find more great resources for us, I will add them!
I just found out about a great book called Say Goodbye to Survival Mode by Crystal Paine. The minute I heard about it, I went right to Barnes & Noble and bought it. I’ve already started reading it and I can’t recommend it enough!
3 Responses
Hi Brenda, I read your blog post and thought you might be interested in learning about the LifeTopix app. This app is great for jumpstarting and planning New Year’s Resolutions – especially organizing and getting healthy. Many of the users of our app have ADD/ADHD and they’ve communicated that our app helps them keep organized. I would love for you to check it out and I would be happy to send you a promo code to try it for free (if you have an Apple device). You can learn more at
Marilyn – I am always looking for ways to manage my time, increase my productivity, and just stay organized. Getting healthy while doing it is a big bonus. I would love to try your app out! I am an Apple girl through and through, so no worries there! Thank you!
Excellent! Please send me an email and I’ll send you a promo code to try it out for free. Have a great week!