How ADHD Affects Your Weight, Part 1

ADD, ADHD, weight loss, an add woman

Note: Our conversation about weight and ADHD will take place over a few days this week. There really is too much to cover in one post. Weight and ADHD One of the lectures that I attended at the ADDA conference was about weight and ADHD. It was led by Dr. Roberto Olivardia, a clinical psychologist […]

5 Things I Learned at the ADDA Conference

Attending the 14th Annual ADDA Conference was amazing! I met so many wonderful, talented people and learned so very much! I’ll be sharing more specific details in the next week or so, but today I thought I would start out with just a few things that I learned. First a few pics. 🙂 This is […]

Breakfast and Your ADHD

Im sure you’ve heard it said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And yet, many people, ADHD or not, tend to skip breakfast or rely on a bagel or piece of toast and coffee to get them through the morning. If you eat a light breakfast like a piece of toast […]

Eat Your Fruits and Veggies!

I don’t have to tell you that fruits and veggies are good for you and that you should eat them. That’s what your mother is for. 🙂 But did you know that some fruits and vegetables are better for you than others? In general, those fruits and vegetables that have more color are better for […]

How Many Times Have You Been Dissed?

Whoa. Did Dr. Emmett Brown just whisk us back to the eighties in his DeLorean? I mean, when is the last time you heard someone say “dissed”? But think about it. Disorder. Distracted. Disinterested. If I could think of a way to turn “ditzy” into a “diss” word I would. You get it right? Well […]

Meditating for Your ADHD

Did you know that meditation can help your ADHD symptoms? It’s true. In addition to reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, and even helping support weight loss, meditation can literally change your brain. Regular meditation can improve your working memory, help you focus and concentrate, and even change the way your brain functions. Studies have shown […]