Creative Journaling for Your Soul
Do you journal? And if you do, how often do you do it? I tend to be a “when I need it kind of journal writer”. If I’m upset, worried, or angry, journaling helps me work things out. Sometimes I journal to mark a significant event in my life and sometimes I just have some […]
Simplify Your Mind
Simplify your mind. Isn’t that just the best idea ever? You know what our ADHD minds are like – there’s a whole circus going on in there and then some. It’s as though all of the channels on your TV were on and playing at the same time. Is it any wonder we are […]
5 Ways to Decompress
When you have ADHD, anxiety often accompanies it. And if you have anxiety, you know how important it is to be able to keep it under control. I am an anxious person by nature, but taking care of someone for 7 months and calling in hospice cranks my stress and anxiety levels way up. I […]
5 Tips You Need Now
This is that crazy, rushed, over the top busy time of year. Here are five tips that might make things easier, and you can probably use them the rest of the year, too! !. Get rid of stuff. If you celebrate Christmas or any other gift giving holiday this time of year, you’re about to […]
My Creative Side
I usually try to feature creative ADD Moms on Fridays, but I got sidetracked. 🙂 So today I thought I would show off one of my creative activities: my journal. I’ve been keeping a journal for the last 4 years. I don’t write in it daily, but I do manage to write several times a […]