Stop Being So Sensitive!
Are You Overly Sensitive? Do other people tell you that you’re overly sensitive? Or do you think that you are? I know that was one of my dad’s big things when I was a kid. I was always being told to stop being so sensitive. But how can you? You are what you are. Sensitivity […]
Does Your Brain Suck at Self Management?
Self Management and Your Brain I can hear you already. Of course your brain sucks at self management! Or maybe you’re thinking, “It’s my brain? And all this time I thought it was me.”. Self management, when it comes to your brain, is called executive function. Sounds pretty fancy, huh? It turns out that executive […]
Taming the Squirrels
Taming Squirrels? The other day I had a conversation with some friends on a business Facebook group I belong to. One of the women said that she was my ideal reader and asked if I had any advice on taming squirrels. I jokingly said I had nothing about squirrels, but did write a post once […]
Starting Off a New Year:2019
It’s Almost 2019! In just a few days, 2018 will be over and we will be starting off a new year. Was 2018 good to you? I think that overall, it was for me; certainly better than the year before. A Time for Reflection The end of the year – or the end of anything […]
The Attention Problem (and How to Fix It)
The Goldfish Myth Those of us with ADHD have a problem with attention. You may have read (in many different places) that today the average American has an attention span of 8 seconds – shorter than that of a goldfish. This “theory” is from a 2015 study done by Microsoft, and it’s since been challenged […]
Appearance & Self Esteem
Do You Like How You Look? Does the answer to that question depend on other things? And did you know that it affects your self esteem? Like how much you weigh, or what you’re wearing, or whether or not you put on makeup today? Do you compare yourself to others and judge accordingly? I […]