All or Nothing

Are you an all or nothing kind of person? If you have ADHD, I bet you are to some extent. Not sure? Let me give you some examples: Monday you decide to go on a diet to lose some weight. You are super careful about what you eat the first few days, but on Wednesday […]

Simplify: 5 Steps

Those of us who have ADHD lead very complicated lives, or at least it seems that way. Perhaps the reality is that we make things harder for ourselves than we need to. Organization is a big challenge for anyone with ADHD. Part of the reason is that it’s not a skill that we seem to […]

Are You Taking Care of You?

You know, as an ADD Mom, it’s vitally important that you take good care of yourself, including your ADHD. All moms are good at putting themselves last, but if you have ADHD, you owe it to yourself and your family to make yourself a priority. When you are tired, run down and stressed, your ADHD […]

Schedules, Structure and ADHD

I think anyone with ADHD sees words like “schedule” and “structure” and they cringe just a little bit. (Show us the word “organized” though, and we’re all over it). Schedules and structure imply things we should do but aren’t so good at doing. We know that order is good for us, and that structure creates […]

Are You A Family Manager?

Family Manager to me equals mom, so that means that I qualify. A Family Manager is pretty much responsible for running the household. Cleaning, finances, scheduling, meal planning and more. And while I’m not as bad at it as I used to be, there’s always room for improvement. The Family Manager System is a program […]

Keeping Up with Lists When You Have ADHD

Keeping Up with Lists When You Have ADHD

Do you keep lists? I do, although I’m not sure where all of them are 🙂 One thing I used to be really good about was writing a grocery list. Every week I would plan our meals, write down what we needed under special headings (Dairy, Meat, Produce, Frozen, etc) and then do my shopping. […]