Get Organized for $1.00!

You know, organization is one of the big issues with Attention Deficit Disorder. Those of us with ADHD tend to be very visual people, storing things in the open so that we won’t lose them or forget about them. Of course, what ends up happening is that you have so much stuff lying about that […]

Systemize Your ADHD

As a person with a business online, I am often given advice on how to “work smarter, not harder”. One suggestion I hear a lot is to systemize much of my business. That means I put as much as possible into systems – having a set series of steps for tasks I do often, or […]

ADHD Planning System

I got the basis of this system from a friend. It’s based on David Allen’s “Getting Things Done”. I have used a similar system in the past, outlined in the book “Sidetracked Home Executives” by Pam Young and Peggy Jones that worked very well for me. This system will take some time to set up […]