Procrastinate Now, Panic Later
Once upon a time, 28 years ago, I was completely ready for Christmas by Dec 1st. You see, I had a baby due on the 31st who was scheduled for a C section on the 17th. Everything had to be done ahead of time. Her brother – also scheduled for a C section – had […]
The Power of Good Enough
As hard as it may be to believe, many of we ADD Moms are perfectionists. Really. Just because things may not look perfect at your house doesn’t mean you aren’t a perfectionist. It means that perfectionists often put things off until they can do them “perfectly”. The “right” way. No sense doing something if you’re […]
Are You Expecting Perfection?
We’ve been talking a lot lately about homekeeping and making a comfortable home for our families. But do you expect perfection? Believe it or not, we ADDers do tend to expect perfection from ourselves, and we beat ourselves up when we don’t achieve it. Or else we don’t even try because we don’t think we […]
All or Nothing
Are you an all or nothing kind of person? If you have ADHD, I bet you are to some extent. Not sure? Let me give you some examples: Monday you decide to go on a diet to lose some weight. You are super careful about what you eat the first few days, but on Wednesday […]