Making Crazy All by Yourself

Last Saturday was a crazy day for me. It ended with me being stressed out and needing a nap. Basically what happened was that I decided that yes, I am Superwoman and I can do many, many things in just a few hours. Forgetting an appointment time? Leaving late for it? Running low on gas? […]

How ADHD Affects Your Weight, Part 1

ADD, ADHD, weight loss, an add woman

Note: Our conversation about weight and ADHD will take place over a few days this week. There really is too much to cover in one post. Weight and ADHD One of the lectures that I attended at the ADDA conference was about weight and ADHD. It was led by Dr. Roberto Olivardia, a clinical psychologist […]

How to Stop Putting Things Off

We ADDers are really good at putting things off. We can procrastinate with the best of them, especially if it means we have to cram everything in at the last minute to meet a deadline. Angela England over at Ang England has written an excellent post about Breaking Free from the Quagmire of Procrastination. She […]

Entertaining the ADHD Way

This weekend, this guy came to visit. He brought his mom (my daughter) too. Now you may not think that having your daughter and grandson come to visit would cause anxiety. But for me, it does. It’s even worse when my son-in-law comes along. I never feel like my house is good enough or clean […]

Get Your Clean On

Two days from now my daughter and sweet grandson will be arriving for a visit. I can’t wait! I have the pantry stocked and the downstairs is looking pretty good, thanks in large part to my husband, who is tireless. The guest bedroom, however, has not yet recovered from it’s most recent guest – my […]

The Art of Procrastination

We ADDers are masters of the art of procrastination. Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow? Now we aren’t entirely to blame all by ourselves. Our ADHD does get some of the credit. But the truth is it’s all too easy to use our ADHD symptoms as excuses not to do things […]