Mental Health Blog Day
Did you know that today is the American Psychological Association’s annual Mental Health Blog Day? You know, there are many mental health issues that carry a stigma with them; ADHD is one of them. We’ve all seen the stereotypical kid with ADHD portrayed as an out of control child (usually male) who is […]
5 Ways to Reduce Your Social Anxiety
Social anxiety is something that affects many of us with ADHD. There are a number of factors behind this: We are not always able to pick up on social cues because we don’t pay close enough attention We are too busy thinking of what to say that we miss those cues and the conversation happening […]
Are You Phone Phobic?
That might seem to be a silly question when everyone you know has a cellphone, but those of us with ADHD often have trouble talking on the phone, especially when it’s a business type of call. When you have ADHD, it can be hard to conduct a conversation, remember all of the things that you […]
Are You Sure It’s ADHD?
Did you know that there are other conditions with symptoms similar to ADHD? And that it’s not uncommon for some of them to occur along with ADHD? Confusing, huh? If you’re having trouble with your ADHD symptoms or feel that your treatment just isn’t enough, you might want to take a look at the list […]
Managing Anxiety
Anxiety is one of those things that often accompanies ADHD. Attention Deficit Disorder never travels alone; it always brings a friend or two. Depression, learning disabilities and anxiety are some of the more common ones. I have a daughter who suffers from anxiety (and I’ve experienced it myself at times) so I know how crippling […]
Anxiety Fighting Foods
Anxiety is one of ADHD’s best friends. It seems that anxiety and/or depression often show up with Attention Deficit Disorder. Dealing with anxiety can truly be a challenge. It can be hard to get through everyday life when you are continuously anxious and fearful. For years I have recommended a good healthy lifestyle including a […]