How ADD Are You?

One of the frustrating things about ADHD is the way it changes on you. Some days are pretty good and others are anything but. You know how sometimes you get a cold and it just knocks you on your butt for weeks? And then sometimes you get a cold and it’s just a case of […]

Substance Abuse and ADHD

Most doctors and scientists agree that ADHD is genetic; that it is passed from one family member to another. This same thing has been noted in families with alcohol, drug, or other addictions. Some research even claims a link between alcoholism and ADHD; that both are the result of the same gene. In fact, alcoholism […]

Exercise and ADHD

Did you know that exercise has been proven to have positive effects on ADHD symptoms? It’s been proven by research scientists. Exercise, especially cardio – that gets the heart pumping – has been shown to elevate the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. These chemicals monitor external stimuli and our responses to them. […]

Divorce and ADHD

There was an excellent article today in the Monterey County Herald about divorce rates among parents of children who have ADHD. A recent study done by Brian Wymbs and William Pelham and published in The Journal of Clinical and Consulting Psychology found that the divorce rate of parents with an ADHD child was 22.7% versus […]

ADHD: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

The other day, I was on Twitter when a friend sent me a message: she said someone had asked her about the symptoms of ADHD, and she said that ADHD was different for everyone. There is no one size fits all when it comes to Attention Deficit Disorder. While my friend was right – we […]

Meditation and ADHD

Did you know that meditation is beneficial for ADHD symptoms and the ADHD brain? Studies have shown that as little as 10-20 minutes of meditation a day can help relieve stress, clear the mind, and improve focus when practiced regularly. Think about what your brain must look like on any given day. Is it bouncing […]