Stop Being So Sensitive!

Are You Overly Sensitive? Do other people tell you that you’re overly sensitive? Or do you think that you are? I know that was one of my dad’s big things when I was a kid. I was always being told to stop being so sensitive. But how can you? You are what you are. Sensitivity […]
Does Your Brain Suck at Self Management?

Self Management and Your Brain I can hear you already. Of course your brain sucks at self management! Or maybe you’re thinking, “It’s my brain? And all this time I thought it was me.”. Self management, when it comes to your brain, is called executive function. Sounds pretty fancy, huh? It turns out that executive […]
Cupcakes and Potato Chips

Note: I was recently made aware that the link that was provided to me was incorrect. It has been changed and should work now. Did you know that your eating habits could be influenced by your ADHD? And that it can be harder to lose weight if you have ADHD? Not only that, but binge […]
Downward Dog Your ADHD

Downward dog is a yoga pose. Basically you have your hands and feet on the floor about a foot or so apart so your body kind of looks like an upside down V. Now, downward dog may not necessarily be the pose for you, but yoga in general could be. Yoga has a lot of […]
How Something You Never Heard of Can Help Your ADHD

Let’s start with a small science lesson, shall we? You know of course that your ADHD is centered around your brain. Because you have ADHD, your brain functions differently than brains who do not have ADHD. You have neurotransmitters in your brain; these chemicals transport information in your brain and body. Dopamine is one of […]
Reiki for ADHD

Have you ever heard of Reiki? (It’s pronounced ray key.) Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. The practitioner connects your energy to Divine energy (whatever your definition of that is) and helps to rebalance and realign the energy in your body. I know. It sounds very woo woo, but really it isn’t. It’s […]