ADD Frustration

Something odd has been going on with me lately, although I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. You’ve probably noticed that the look of ADD Moms has changed, and if you’re a frequent visitor, you may even have witnessed the many changes that took place over the past few days – not all of them good […]

Systemize Your ADHD

As a person with a business online, I am often given advice on how to “work smarter, not harder”. One suggestion I hear a lot is to systemize much of my business. That means I put as much as possible into systems – having a set series of steps for tasks I do often, or […]

Re-framing Your Focus

My husband got laid off recently. Part of what that means is that my previously semi-unstructured days working from home are now even less structured. It’s been a challenge to be as productive as I once was because my environment has changed. As someone with Attention Deficit Disorder, I need a structured environment in which […]

Giving In

I had the weirdest day today. First I overslept. I was awakened by the phone. It was my daughter telling me she had forgotten her medication and needed it, so I jumped out of bed and hit the road. That unexpected trip threw off my day and my schedule. I had to rush through making […]

Life vs. ADD Symptoms

Lately I’ve been writing a lot about balance, and making your life easier, and also telling you how mine has sort of been out of control lately. My ADD symptoms have really made themselves known in the past week or so. For instance, it’s almost midnight and I just remembered I was supposed to go […]