How to Be More Productive and Get the Important Stuff Done

I had quite a stressful July. There was a lot going on and I didn’t know what to do. Finally I decided to fall back on my reliable dump list and put together a to do list of everything. It took an entire sheet of paper! But then, I discovered the secret that made me […]
Simplify Your To Do List
Are you like me? Do you have an overwhelming and out of control to do list? Even though I have a couple of ways to keep my list manageable, now and then it gets the best of me. I think a lot of us with ADHD tend to walk around with too much going […]
How Do You Get Things Done?

That’s an honest question. What? You think cause I write this blog and am the resident ADHD Expert at, that I have all the answers? Nope. Not even close. I struggle with getting things done just like you do. Sure, I have some great ideas on how to do it all, and sometimes I […]
Taming the Mile Long To Do List
It is the end of 2014 and all day I’ve tried to bring things that belong in this year to an end. One of those things was to write this post. I’ve been around much lately due to my dad’s poor health, but this is my place to share with you and I wanted to […]
An Orderly Life
31 Day Challenge: Day 24 Is your life an orderly one? Or do you spend each day frantically lurching from one thing to another trying to get it all done, only to find that, in the end, little was actually accomplished? Or maybe you find that you get a lot done while at work, but […]
A New Look at Time Management
I just read an interesting article over at Real Simple called Time Management Struggles and Techniques for the Modern Woman. The author, Ruth Davis Konigsberg, says that women today are trying to do too much. You think?? In addition to working outside of the home – which is true for many of us – we […]