The Dump List
I know I’ve written about the dump list before, but it never hurts to have a reminder. 🙂 I have been feeling especially overwhelmed lately. The house is really starting to feel neglected, especially the closets and cupboards. Add in a long weekend in Michigan and a day spent in the hospital with my daughter […]
Autofocus: Getting Things Done
Mark Forster is the author of a number of time management books and the creator of the Autofocus system. The Autofocus system is basically a list of all of the things that need your attention. Its very similar to what I call a dump list. According to Mr. Forster’s system, you start by making a […]
To Dos and Doing
Right now, I have over 50 messages in my email box. I probably have 20 of them flagged as follow ups. I’ve been procrastinating for months about making a couple of doctors appointments and I have at least half a dozen things on my to do list that I could easily knock out in a […]
Timely Tips
As ADD Moms, our lives are always busy. And since we do have ADHD, things can easily take over or get out of hand. I am always looking for ways to manage my time more effectively, so that I can feel as though things are done (for now at least) and I can relax a […]