And to All a Good Night

“Twas the Night before Christmas… And all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Except the mom, who had ADHD, and couldn’t sleep no matter how hard she tried. And it wasn’t just during the holidays; it was any night at all. Is it Insomnia? It could be; but when […]
Downward Dog Your ADHD

Downward dog is a yoga pose. Basically you have your hands and feet on the floor about a foot or so apart so your body kind of looks like an upside down V. Now, downward dog may not necessarily be the pose for you, but yoga in general could be. Yoga has a lot of […]
Trigger Points and ADHD
Anne from The Modern Mrs. Darcy wrote a post recently about trigger points. In her case, she was referring to children and homeschooling, although she did mention adults as well. Her observation was that children have certain trigger points, that when reached, can send them spiraling out of control. Being tired, for instance, or hungry. […]
8 Natural Ways to Help Your ADHD Symptoms
A lot of people who have ADHD take medication to help them manage their symptoms and that’s perfectly fine. But others prefer to use natural methods and that’s OK too. Before I begin my list of 8 natural ways to help your ADHD symptoms, let me just say a few things in general. Natural methods […]
The Little Stuff
I’ve lived my whole life in the Midwest and as a result, I’ve learned one thing about snow. Those great big fat snowflakes that fall? Harmless. But those teeny, tiny ones that you can barely see? Deadly. You’re going to have anywhere from a few inches to a few feet. Weird, huh? You’d think the […]
How Do You Unwind?

Like many of you, I have the “gift” of anxiety along with my ADHD. A few months ago, I was honored to be chosen as the ADD Expert. So that meant writing an additional 20 articles each month in addition to this blog, my newsletter, and just life. Then shortly afterwards my 90 year […]