The Fridge Clean Out – Do You Do It?
Note: This post contains affiliate links, which means the seller gives me a small percentage if you decide to purchase through my link. It does not change the price to you. Cleaning Out the Fridge Why is cleaning the fridge out such a chore? And why did I ask if you do it? Of course […]
Are You a List Maker? You Should Be
Do You Make Lists? I bet you do. I bet you’re a list maker. And you should be; lists are very valuable. But not the kinds of lists that you’ve been making. Make it Once The lists that I’m talking about are the ones that you make once, and then you never have to do […]
Who’s Your Tribe? Do You Know?
What is a Tribe? I’m sure you’ve heard the word “tribe” before, but do you really know what it means? And more importantly, do you have one? Who’s in your tribe? Merriam-Webster defines a tribe as a group of persons having a common character, occupation, or interest We, as ADD women, could be considered […]
A Cleaning Routine Will Save You
Do You Have a Cleaning Routine? You don’t, do you? You wait until you notice something is dirty (or someone points it out), and then you clean. You probably go into one of those cleaning frenzies that leaves you tired and crazy for days and then you let the house go back to it’s […]
Sheet Pan Meals for the Win
Let’s Talk About Sheet Pans And sheet pan meals, too. Doesn’t that sound like the most interesting conversation you’ll have all week? Well, nevertheless, it must be done. First, too many of you have poor quality sheet pans. I know because I own 4 of them myself. One was from my bridal shower (I’ve been […]
A Planner Alternative for You
Paper Planners I was just saying the other day that if someone took a look at my Pinterest board about planners, and then peeked into my house and saw all of the notebooks, planners, and colored pens, they would surely think that I was addicted. And they would be right. I bought an online course […]