Are You Ready?

In cooking – well, French cooking I guess – there is a term: mise en place (MEEZ ann plays). It means to have everything ready before you begin. For instance, if you were making a vegetable soup, you would have all of your pots and utensils ready, your vegetables out, washed and cut or diced. […]

If You Take It Out…

…put it back. Remember that little list of rules? Here they are: If you take it out, put it back. If you open it, close it. If you throw it down, pick it up. If you take it off, hang it up. If you use it, clean it up. I think that if all we […]

Well Duh!

Do you ever have those “well, duh!” moments? You know, when you’ve been trying to solve a problem or are struggling with something and then somehow you see the solution? And it’s easy and simple and you wonder why you didn’t think of it? Cause it was staring you in the face. Yep, that’s an […]

Once a Month

I have been feeling super productive and organized lately. (Don’t worry. I’m sure it won’t last long. ;)) I’ve put a new budget plan in place and vowed not to give up when it doesn’t work right the first time. I am anticipating that I will make mistakes but instead of quitting and calling it […]

Organizing the Fridge

We got a new refrigerator about a year ago and would you believe I’m still having trouble keeping it organized in a way that makes sense? Our old fridge had drawers for lunchmeat and cheese in addition to the ones for veggies and fruits. Our new one only has drawers for fruits and veggies. That […]

Looking Ahead

It’s December, which means the holiday season is upon us. We are all about shopping and giving. Shortly after the gift giving season comes New Years, which is all about clean slates and resolutions. Can I make a suggestion? Planning ahead now will pay off in the future. Yes, I know you’re busy. I also […]