Eat the Frog!!???

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My Aunt Elizabeth married a man from Georgia. His family had a New Years tradition of cooking a hog’s head for dinner. It was supposed to bring you good luck throughout the year.

My cousin always said that it was true; if you ate hog’s head on New Year’s day, nothing worse could happen to you for the rest of the year. 🙂

I thought about my Aunt Elizabeth today when I read something written by Jennifer Haubein called “Eat the Frog”.


Now Jennifer is all about helping small business owners succeed online; you can read about her below.

Jennifer Haubein has a passion to help other entrepreneurs and those who want to be entrepreneurs. Jennifer is a bit of a technology/social media geek who loves to help everyone take their business online in a BIG way. She owns two companies; Websites 2 Grow and Best Biz Web Site Solutions. Jennifer helps others easily get online with a web site that actually works and will grow as their business grows.

Jennifer has been featured in the technology blog Mashable, several radio shows and events, and hosts her own show Websites 2 Grow TV.

If you’re confused about all of the technology and social media tools out there to market your business, Jennifer is the person to talk to.

You can sign up for her free report “5 Reasons Your Current Web Site Just Isn’t Working” at

Because Jennifer’s business really has nothing to do with ADHD, I decided not to copy and paste her whole article here (but there is a link to it above).

Still, Jennifer’s idea of eating the frog is a good one, and certainly one that ADD Moms could benefit from.

I’ll let Jennifer explain the idea to you. Keep in mind she is speaking to business owners, but you could adapt her advice to any situation.

To eat the frog means you are tackling your biggest task first. This frog is usually a task that will give you the biggest results, or maybe even be something you’ve been procrastinating for a while.

Instead of opening your email inbox first, answering phone calls, or other smaller tasks – just eat the frog in one big bite. It might not taste good, but once you eat it you’ll have tons of momentum to tackle other smaller tasks.

So what do you think? Are you ready to eat the frog?

Picture of Lacy Estelle

Lacy Estelle

Lacy Estelle is the writer of and the Podcast host for An ADD Woman.

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2 Responses

  1. Hi Brenda,

    So glad you found the eat the frog article helpful and love how you applied it for your audience as well.

    I hope you found some other good resources for Moms on my friend Carla Young’s site which is where the blog post was posted.
