One of the biggest frustrations that ADD Moms seem to have is keeping the house in order. I think that a lot of us have perfectionist tendencies which just makes things worse.
Also, we tend to over plan and underestimate.
I’ve got 4 simple rules that I try to follow on a daily basis that seem to help keep the house in reasonable order. Here they are:
1. Always clean the kitchen. I unload the dishwasher first thing every morning while I’m making breakfast. (Yes, I cook breakfast every morning.) All day, as someone uses a dish, they load it in the dishwasher. After dinner, I clean up: dishes in the dishwasher, pots and pans washed and put away, stove and table wiped down. I set the dishwasher to run during the night because it’s more energy efficient. And the best part? I wake up every morning to a clean kitchen!
2. Do a load of laundry every day. Now I admit, to me, doing a load of laundry is wash, dry, and put in a basket. Whether or not it gets put away is another matter. Everyone in our house does their own clothes, but I do things like towels and sheets. Doing things this way keeps on top of it, which is a good idea for lots of things.
3. Wipe down the bathrooms at least once a day. While you’re in there anyway, wipe out the sink, give the toilet a quick swipe and swish the brush around. It takes 5 minutes, and if you use wipes made for cleaning the bathroom, it makes it even faster. A clean bathroom makes you feel good and a little daily attention makes the weekly deep cleaning easier.
4. Pick up the clutter at the end of the day. Now I know you’re probably watching TV, but you’ve got ADD, too. You can’t sit still through a whole program. Use the commercials or your restless energy to take a quick trip or two through the house. Throw stuff away, pick things up and put them away, and just generally straighten up. If you’ve got a lot of clutter in your house, then focus on one area a week.
Following these 4 simple rules will help keep your home presentable without taking too much time. Once you get the habit down, you can concentrate on areas that might need more attention.