One of the best ways for we ADD Moms to keep our life running smoothly is to turn positive actions into good habits. So much of our life seems to run on auto pilot anyway; making a conscious effort to develop good habits just makes our life easier.
Bernice from The Stressed Mom understands this (and us too, I think). She wonders in the first sentence if she should have called it “10 Habits to Keep Mom Sane”. Yep, she gets us.
Bernice has written a post called “10 Habits for a Well Run Home“. Reading this article and putting Bernice’s habits into action could literally change your life.
Bernice gives us some practical and common sense ideas that we know we should do but try to get around doing anyway. Stuff like getting up early and going to bed earlier. You know who you are.
But Bernice also has some ideas that maybe we haven’t really thought of – like doing a whole load of laundry start to finish. Are you like me? I feel like if I get one load in the washer and dryer I’m done. Now you know that’s not true. I’m just putting off folding and putting until another day. Bernice’s plan works better.
While you’re reading the rest of Bernice’s tips (don’t miss # 10), be sure to hang around her site and check it out.
She totally gets us.
15 Responses
Second, participating in the work of the holidays encourages kids to serve. Getting their minds off of what they want and putting forth effort to make life nicer for someone else at the holidays helps kids be less self-centered and more other-centered.
I am a Southern girl transplanted to the Pacific Northwest. I have 5 kids, 2 grandchildren, 6 birds, and a dog. This blog is about 10 habits that transformed my life from one grounded in fear to one grounded in joy. My hope is that this will be a place to reflect on joy, to share ideas, to inspire and encourage each other. Galen Pearl is my pen name.
You can easily apply the concept of over-learning in your own life by reviewing what you’ve learned the same day you learn it and at regular intervals thereafter – something researchers call ‘spaced rehearsal.’ And once you over-learn whatever it is you’re studying, you’ll always be prepared to employ the information or skill at a moment’s notice.
Taking action is one of the most important habits of successful women…and so is dreaming. For inspiration and practical advice for succeeding in life after failure or knock-out punches, click on This is Not the Life I Ordered: 50 Ways to Keep Your Head Above Water When Life Keeps Dragging You Down by Deborah Collins Stephens et al.
You can easily apply the concept of over-learning in your own life by reviewing what you’ve learned the same day you learn it and at regular intervals thereafter – something researchers call ‘spaced rehearsal.’ And once you over-learn whatever it is you’re studying, you’ll always be prepared to employ the information or skill at a moment’s notice.
Bernice has written a post called “ 10 Habits for a Well Run Home “. Reading this article and putting Bernice’s habits into action could literally change your life.
Hey, nice blog with good info. I really like coming back here often. There?s only one thing that annoys me and that is the misfunctioning of comment posting. I usually get to 500 error page, and have to do the post twice. – Don’t improve it into a flop! – Samuel Goldwyn 1882 – 1974
I’ll check into that. No idea how to fix it, but I will try.
There may be different habits that you decide you need for your family, but these below will get you thinking.
I am a Southern girl transplanted to the Pacific Northwest. I have 5 kids, 2 grandchildren, 6 birds, and a dog. This blog is about 10 habits that transformed my life from one grounded in fear to one grounded in joy. My hope is that this will be a place to reflect on joy, to share ideas, to inspire and encourage each other. Galen Pearl is my pen name.
You can easily apply the concept of over-learning in your own life by reviewing what you’ve learned the same day you learn it and at regular intervals thereafter – something researchers call ‘spaced rehearsal.’ And once you over-learn whatever it is you’re studying, you’ll always be prepared to employ the information or skill at a moment’s notice.
Nice to meet you Galen Pearl and thank you for your kind words! I envy you living in the Pacific Nortwest. I had the pleasure of visiting there once and fell in love with the area. I hope to be able to go back one day.
Bernice has written a post called “ 10 Habits for a Well Run Home “. Reading this article and putting Bernice’s habits into action could literally change your life.
Taking action is one of the most important habits of successful women…and so is dreaming. For inspiration and practical advice for succeeding in life after failure or knock-out punches, click on This is Not the Life I Ordered: 50 Ways to Keep Your Head Above Water When Life Keeps Dragging You Down by Deborah Collins Stephens et al.
I am a Southern girl transplanted to the Pacific Northwest. I have 5 kids, 2 grandchildren, 6 birds, and a dog. This blog is about 10 habits that transformed my life from one grounded in fear to one grounded in joy. My hope is that this will be a place to reflect on joy, to share ideas, to inspire and encourage each other. Galen Pearl is my pen name.