Like Herding Cats

Doesn’t that just describe much of our lives perfectly? Herding cats. Lately that’s how my life has felt. Chaotic and out of control. Like I have too many things to do and don’t know where to begin. Overwhelmed? Oh yeah. So how do you get out of this mode? How do you create order […]
Simplify Your Social Life

Do you have a big social life? Sometimes our social lives ebb and flow, depending on the season of our life. For instance, when our children were small, we had quite an active social life. There were family get togethers, time spent with friends, and play dates. As the kids got older, there were school […]
The Happy Planner

Note: I was not compensated in any way for this post. I found a planner that I loved enough to buy and I wanted to tell you about it. Do you have a planner addiction like me? I am constantly in search of the perfect planner. The one that I love, love to use and […]
Warning! Warning!

Warning! A Heads Up Do you remember the robot from Lost in Space? He was always saying “Warning, warning! Danger Will Robinson!”. It’s OK if you don’t. I am dating myself here. ) When my kids were little, we measured time either by TV shows (don’t judge me) or by time specific terms […]
The Planner Chronicles
Each January (and other times throughout the year) I get what I call planner fever. I have this idea that there is one perfect planner out there and if I can just find it, my whole life will fall into place. Last year I used an Erin Condren planner. I liked the way it was […]
Getting Over Overwhelm
Today I was having trouble deciding what to write about, so I asked my Facebook friends and they came up with several great ideas. One of them was about feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stuff that you have to do in an ordinary day. Inspired by a website I visited earlier and the owner’s […]