How Many Calendars Do You Keep?

If you consult someone like a personal organizer, an ADD Coach, or a time management expert, they will tell you that you should only keep one calendar. Using more than one opens up the possibility of double booking a day or forgetting something because you looked at the wrong calendar. Just a few weeks ago, […]

The Sunday Night Plan

For most of us, Sundays are the end of the weekend and the end of our time off. Monday is a new workday, whether you work outside the home or in it. Sunday nights are a great time to get yourself ready for the coming week. (For some things you might want to start sooner.) […]

An Effective To Do List

As ADD Moms, we are great at making to do lists. In fact, most of probably have more than one. You know, there’s the one you wrote down on that scrap piece of paper, and the one that comes with your calendar, and then you found this program online that you were sure was going […]

Once a Month

I have been feeling super productive and organized lately. (Don’t worry. I’m sure it won’t last long. ;)) I’ve put a new budget plan in place and vowed not to give up when it doesn’t work right the first time. I am anticipating that I will make mistakes but instead of quitting and calling it […]

Managing Your Inbox

Almost everybody has email these days. If you’re reading this blog, it means you are online and probably have an email account or two somewhere. Email inboxes can quickly turn into black holes. You sign up for way too many newsletters (me too), plus you get the cute and funny stuff from your friends and […]


I know that a lot of ADD Moms follow Flylady’s system for keeping the house (and more) under control. For those of you who may not know, Flylady helps those living in C.H.A.O.S. (Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome) learn to polish their sinks and fly one baby step at a time. Flylady is about keeping […]