5 Easy Ways to Add More Activity to Your Day

When I say “activity” I don’t mean making your day busier than it already is. I almost used the word “exercise” but that’s not really accurate either. In the last 6 months or so I’ve lost over 20 lbs. I got motivated to do something about my weight when I noticed that I was losing […]

What Are Your Daily Essentials?

Do you have daily essentials? The things that you just can’t get through the day without? I bet coffee (or Diet Coke) is one of them. For me, it’s water and tea. I used to drain everyone’s coffee cups from Sunday dinner when I was about 2 or 3 years old and I guess that […]

When Anxiety Accompanies ADHD

ADHD has lots of friends – anxiety, depression, learning disabilities, even asthma. ADHD never occurs by itself; it always has what is called a comorbidity or two with it. Anxiety, in one form or another, is often present with Attention Deficit Disorder. It’s easy to see how one would feed the other; your life can […]

Losing Weight with ADHD

Recently Shelley from The House of Smiths wrote a post about how her ADHD affects her attempts at losing weight. Here’s what she said: I had my hormones tested, got my thyroid checked out, found out I had a very minor pituitary gland issue and was even diagnosed with ADD; one of the BIGGEST reasons […]

Learn to Say No

As moms, we take on way too much. We’re trying to raise a family, maybe work outside the home, keep the home clean and organized and so much more. And we’re doing it while trying to manage our Attention Deficit Disorder. I bet a lot of you ADD Moms are volunteers – at school, for […]

How Exercise Helps ADHD

Maybe you’re one of those people who hates to hear the word “exercise”. I know I used to be that way. Exercise, for a lot of people, is something they do or don’t do because it’s good for you. Kind of like going to the dentist and for those yearly exams. Of course there are […]