How Many Times Have You Been Dissed?

Whoa. Did Dr. Emmett Brown just whisk us back to the eighties in his DeLorean? I mean, when is the last time you heard someone say “dissed”? But think about it. Disorder. Distracted. Disinterested. If I could think of a way to turn “ditzy” into a “diss” word I would. You get it right? Well […]

Get Some Exercise!

Maybe you don’t want to hear it, but exercise is good for you. You should do some every day. (Do as I say, not as I do). 😉 I’ve fallen off the exercise wagon lately, but when you consider all of the health benefits, it really is a good idea to try and add some […]

What to Do When Life Gets CRAZY

I know what you’re thinking. “What does she mean when life gets crazy? Mine’s crazy all the time!”. Allow me to clarify. There is your “normal” crazy life, and then there is crazy. Like chaos on steroids. Let’s face it. You may think your life is as full as it can be and you’re doing […]

How Exercise Helps ADHD

There have been a number of studies done that prove that exercise helps ADHD symptoms. Sometimes the positive effects can be evident as much as 24 hours later. But how does exercise help ADHD? Well on a practical level, exercise can help increase focus and attention and decrease impulsiveness. It also helps increase self confidence. […]

Cabin Fever and ADHD

Do you know what cabin fever is? It’s that feeling you get about this time of year when everything outside seems to be some shade of gray, you haven’t seen the sun in days, you’re sick of being cooped up in the house, and you just want to be warm. Those of us with ADHD […]

Why YOU Are Important

Do I really even need to write this post? Do you really need someone to tell you how important you are? Based on the way you (don’t) take care of yourself, maybe I do. I know. As women we are taught to be nice and polite. Be a good girl. Share with others and never […]