The Best Grounding Techniques for Anxiety

Anxiety may have a hold on our lives, but there are ways to mitigate its effects through grounding techniques that help us get back to a state of calm.
What’s Wrong with Putting Yourself First?
Last weekend, I asked a serious question on Facebook: Serious question here: why do most women fail to take care of themselves? We put ourselves last, ignore our needs; why? Truly trying to make some sense of this. Comments welcome! I got some interesting answers, most of them similar to one another. Here are a […]
4 Appointments You Should Never Miss
As an ADD Mom, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and overbooked. It’s easier to do for others than ourselves. And it’s one thing to think about making an appointment and another to actually do it. Here are 4 appointments you need to make now. And if you already have, congrats. 1. An appointment with yourself […]
5 Products to Help You Speed Through Dinner Prep
Sometimes making dinner can be a chore. Especially if you’ve worked all day or been especially busy. And sometimes what’s for dinner is a last minute question. My mom was a genius when it came to that. I found myself in the grocery store checkout line most late afternoons. As an ADD Mom, you need […]
Why Women Need Fat
Following is a book review for “Why Women Need Fat” by William D. Lassek, M.D. and Steven J.C. Gaulin, PhD. I was compensated for the review, but the opinions are mine. You may wonder how that is relevant to a blog about women who have Attention Deficit Disorder. In fact, it is very relevant. If […]
Does ADHD Make You Look Fat?
If you’re one of those size 2 ADD Moms, feel free to skip this article. But if losing weight is a challenge for you, you might be interested to know that your ADHD is part of the problem. Consider some of the typical symptoms of ADHD: impulsive behavior, lack of focus, poor planning skills and […]