Mental Disorders in Children Infographic

Brandon from Top Masters in Education created this wonderful info graphic about ADHD and other mental conditions. It’s about children, but I’m sure you can find something informative in it as well. Source:

Sex and ADHD

Did you know that your ADHD and your sex life are connected? And that your ADHD symptoms can cause all kinds of problems when it comes to sexual situations? Now this isn’t meant to be an X rated post, but we are all presumably adults here and this is a subject that is important to […]

Making Crazy All by Yourself

Last Saturday was a crazy day for me. It ended with me being stressed out and needing a nap. Basically what happened was that I decided that yes, I am Superwoman and I can do many, many things in just a few hours. Forgetting an appointment time? Leaving late for it? Running low on gas? […]

How ADHD Affects Your Weight, Part 1

ADD, ADHD, weight loss, an add woman

Note: Our conversation about weight and ADHD will take place over a few days this week. There really is too much to cover in one post. Weight and ADHD One of the lectures that I attended at the ADDA conference was about weight and ADHD. It was led by Dr. Roberto Olivardia, a clinical psychologist […]

5 Herbs That Can Help ADHD Symptoms

There are a good number of people who choose to use natural remedies rather than medications, not only for their ADHD, but for other things as well. I like having the choice of either/or, and usually opt for the natural cure if it works for me. I have studied the medicinal use of herbs – […]

How Does Your ADHD Affect You?

I think that all of us who have ADHD hold back a little part of who we really are unless we are among people we are comfortable with. For instance, the day my daughter Sarah put a pot lid on her head and pretended it was a hat – in front of her boyfriend – […]