Are You A Drama Queen?

I never knew exactly what was meant by a “drama queen” until I had my third child. The kid should have been born with a crown on her head. Nothing is ever simple – it’s always a big production of one kind or another. A minor headache turns into a brain tumor, and cramps are […]

Look First

You know, one of the things about having Attention Deficit Disorder is that we have a tendency to be impulsive. Act first, think later. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you about all the troubles it can cause in our lives. My mom taught me something when I was just a little girl that […]

Dreamers and Do-ers and ADD


My husband’s youngest brother is notorious in his family for “dreaming big and doing little”. When he was in his late teens and early twenties, he was constantly buying old junk cars with the intent of “fixing them up”. The fact that he never spent any time actually working on any car, knew little about […]