Longing for Order
As An ADD Woman, you probably find yourself in the midst of chaos more than you would like. And you may find yourself longing for order. I understand. I can relate. I think that having ADHD means we are always longing for some kind of order in our lives. Either that, or we are […]
Restoring Order
31 Day Challenge: Day 31 Participating in this 31 Day Challenge and writing every day about order has inspired me and my home looks better for it. Many areas of my home have been decluttered, cleaned, and put to order. And there is something that I have discovered along the way: restoring order is much […]
Bringing Order to Bill Paying
31 Day Challenge: Day 27 Paper clutter can be a huge problems for ADDers. Most of us probably get an average of 5 pieces of mail, 6 days a week. A lot of it is just junk mail, but there are important items in there as well. Ideally, you should only handle each piece of […]
Outer Order
31 Day Challenge: Day 26
The Circus in Your Head
31 Day Challenge: Day 21 If you have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, I don’t have to tell you that a lack of order in your home isn’t the only problem. In fact, it might not even be your biggest problem. The clutter inside your head might be more important. Am I right? So how do […]
31 Day Challenge: Day 19