Launch Your Child for School Success

Note: Ann K. Dolin, M.Ed. has been kind enough to do several guest posts for ADD Moms and ADD Student. Since ADD Moms tend to have ADD kids, I thought they would be appropriate on both sites. Michael is a freckle-faced fourth grader always on the move. He loves to read, write and do well […]

Hunters, Farmers, and Med Free with ADD

The following is an excerpt from my Med Free with ADD program. Thom Hartmann is the author of several books about ADHD, notably “ADD: A Different Perception”. He first became interested in the subject when his son was diagnosed. He disliked telling his son that he had a “deficit” and a “disorder” because he knew […]

The Power of Magical Thinking

When it comes to parenting, we could all use some extra help, don’t you think? When ADHD is part of the picture, it can be harder to parent consistently and to make sure the values and messages that you want to impart to your children are communicated. Trenna Daniels has come up with a series […]