9 Laws of Time Management
I can’t take credit for this one. Sarah from Buttoned Up is the genius behind this. Sarah has written a wonderful article full of great tips for managing time, including a few that we ADD Moms should tattoo somewhere. You really need to read the whole article, but here are a few of my favorites: […]
Household Notebooks
Do you have a household notebook? In case you didn’t know, many women use a household notebook to keep things running smoothly at home. It can contain many things, but most often it has a family calendar, a list of contacts, a list of daily and weekly chores, and a section for menu planning. Some […]
Lost in the Moment vs In the Moment
You know that lately I’ve been having trouble with my ADD symptoms. I’ve been forgetting things, and letting daily routines slide. I’ve been trying to figure out what was causing it, and I finally realized what was happening this morning. I’m starting a new business aimed at professionals within the field of Attention Deficit Disorder. […]