Time Management Tools
As ADDers we often find ourselves with too much to do and too little time to do it in. We have issues with time in general. And no, don’t tell us that everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. We won’t believe you. 😉 I found a great website that reviews a number […]
Apps for Managing Your Time
One of the biggest things for me in managing time is finding time to do all of the things that I need to do and then remembering them. And what about wasting time? Do you ever find yourself at the end of the day wondering what you did all day long? Feeling as though you […]
Lately I have been having trouble keeping up with life in general. The water bill was due. I knew it was due and went online to pay it. The dumb website doesn’t tell you how much the bill is and I didn’t know. Duh. I ended up calling the company to ask. My daughter Sarah […]