Brain Drain: Learn to Make Fewer Decisions

Decision making is not our strong point. As people with ADHD, we have lots of experience with making mistakes. So when we have an opportunity to make a decision about something – cake or pie – we tend to give it a lot of thought. We want to make the right decision and we end […]

What Goes First?

The other day I was looking for something in our downstairs bathroom closet, and because I had to move things around, I got the urge to pull it all out and organize it. Have you ever done that? Sometimes it works, and sometimes you just have a big mess on the floor. As ADDers, we […]

How Something You Never Heard of Can Help Your ADHD

Let’s start with a small science lesson, shall we? You know of course that your ADHD is centered around your brain. Because you have ADHD, your brain functions differently than brains who do not have ADHD. You have neurotransmitters in your brain; these chemicals transport information in your brain and body. Dopamine is one of […]

Reiki for ADHD

Have you ever heard of Reiki? (It’s pronounced ray key.) Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. The practitioner connects your energy to Divine energy (whatever your definition of that is) and helps to rebalance and realign the energy in your body. I know. It sounds very woo woo, but really it isn’t. It’s […]

Fitting In?

Do you ever try to fit in with everyone else? Does it work? It really never did for me, especially when I was young. When I was a kid, we moved a lot. By the time I was 10 years old, we had moved 10 times and I had attended 3 different elementary schools in […]

Are You All Ears?

No, I don’t mean like Dumbo. 😉 I guess what I really mean to ask is if you are a good listener. I’ve always thought that I was a good listener, and some people have even commented on it. I often find that people tell me things that they wouldn’t tell anyone else. But on […]