Time Management Tools

As ADDers we often find ourselves with too much to do and too little time to do it in. We have issues with time in general. And no, don’t tell us that everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. We won’t believe you. 😉 I found a great website that reviews a number […]

When Anxiety Accompanies ADHD

ADHD has lots of friends – anxiety, depression, learning disabilities, even asthma. ADHD never occurs by itself; it always has what is called a comorbidity or two with it. Anxiety, in one form or another, is often present with Attention Deficit Disorder. It’s easy to see how one would feed the other; your life can […]

An Organized Home

Did you ever wish for a well organized home? What am I asking???? We all have, haven’t we? A nice neat and tidy space where everything is in it’s place. My mother-in-law used to wish for a stainless steel house with drains in every room. And no flat surfaces. Everything slanted down. That way, no […]

Adult ADHD

The Saturday Evening Post has an article, written by Sharon Begley, about ADHD in adults. I challenge you to read it and not see yourself in at least one of the ADD adults that Ms. Begley profiles. Ms. Begley walks you through some common symptoms of ADHD and points out the differences between having ADHD […]

ADHD Scholarships

If you are an ADD Mom, chances are you may have an ADD Student in your household. If you do, you know how challenging school can be for kids with ADHD. Or maybe you struggled yourself when you were in school. I graduated with good grades, but I still remember the obstacles that my ADD […]