Happy 2013 everyone! I am so grateful for each and every one of you!
The headline above is a bit of a joke.
On December 23rd, I slipped on a small patch of ice in my driveway and ended up in Urgent Care on Christmas Eve with a broken arm. 🙁

Typing is much harder now and slower too!
I plan to keep posting though as much as I can so don’t go anywhere!
10 Responses
Ouch! Not a great way to start the new year., but you will find the silver lining. That’s why so many of us follow you! Happier 2013!
This can be described as really fine site place, im delighted I came across it. Ill be back off the track to look into other items that.
Would you be involved in exchanging links?
Sorry to hear it. Brenda! I love the look on your site! I’ll call soon…
Not usually. The site would have to be related to ADHD.
Thanks for the good wishes everyone! The pain hasn’t been bad at all. The hardest thing is learning to do things with one hand.
I’m looking at this as a learning experience. I think that being forced to slow down, being more mindful of what I do and how I do it, and experiencing a different type of disability can provide rich lessons for me. Now I just need to “pay attention” ;).
We are taking a brief break and stepping away from the computer screen for a few days here at Rocket City Mom. However, we’ll still be in touch on Facebook and Twitter , and are already thinking ahead to what 2013 will bring! Feel free to tell us what you would like to see on the site next year in the comments.
These days I’ve been hanging out at the Oh Hello Baby! forums .Check it out whether you’re a new mom, a seasoned pro, thinking about having kids or looking to live vicariously through those who are. It is a small community right now, but several new moms who would love to connect with others like them or moms with all the answers to our commonly asked questions!
If your baby’s pauses are not uniform and rhythmic, or if he breaks his latch, it may be a sign that he’s experiencing discomfort. Breastfed babies tend to be less gassy than bottle-fed babies, but they can still experience gas or reflux when eating. Sometimes mothers mistake a pause of more than several seconds as a sign that the baby has finished eating, but often the baby needs to be burped. If your baby takes a prolonged pause from rhythmic feeding or breaks the latch, sit him upright on your lap or against your chest and gently pat his back. After burping him, put the baby back on your breast to see if he wants to continue eating.
We are taking a brief break and stepping away from the computer screen for a few days here at Rocket City Mom. However, we’ll still be in touch on Facebook and Twitter , and are already thinking ahead to what 2013 will bring! Feel free to tell us what you would like to see on the site next year in the comments.