ADD Moms Pauses for a Small Break ;)

Happy 2013 everyone! I am so grateful for each and every one of you! The headline above is a bit of a joke. On December 23rd, I slipped on a small patch of ice in my driveway and ended up in Urgent Care on Christmas Eve with a broken arm. 🙁 Typing is much harder […]

Tell Me More About ADD!

Every night when I sit down to write a post, I get stuck on what to write about. I always worry that what I’m writing isn’t really what you want to know. So tonight I’m turning things around and letting YOU do the writing. Tell me what you want to know more about when it […]

A Special Opportunity

Lately I’ve been feeling that I don’t serve all of you as well as I would like. I feel that I hold back too much, especially when it comes to sharing myself. I am hoping to change that by starting a special coaching group on September 1, 2011. 10-12 women will join together along with […]

ADD Moms Day Planner

I am obsessed with day planners. I often buy one or more a year, always looking for the perfect one. I try really hard to stay completely digital, but I find that really only works with appointments. I have always wanted to make my own planner, and I think now I am ready. Since it’s […]

FREE Call: Back to Basics – Managing Life with ADHD

I know this is short notice, but I wanted to let you know that I am doing a FREE call on Monday, September 13 all about getting back to basics and learning to manage our lives with ADHD. I will be covering things like keeping the house clean, managing paperwork, managing your time, organizing and […]


As I mentioned earlier today, there are some changes going on at ADD Moms and ADD Student. I plan to take things in a slightly different direction in the future, and for that reason (and others) I am clearing out many of the products I currently have to offer. For a limited time, you can […]