5 Tips for Organizing Your Spaces

Something about the new year makes me want to clean and organize! (Not my house. 😉 Just a random photo. Hopefully there is an “after” for this “before”.) Do you feel that way? Maybe its the fresh start of the new year that makes us want to freshen everything. Maybe its just a response to […]

Pay it Forward

This time of the year most of us are celebrating a holiday of some sort. For some it’s Christmas, for others maybe Hanukkah or Kwanza or some other holiday. That also means exchanging gifts. There are gifts for our family and friends, our coworkers, the people who take good care of us. If you’re a […]

Habits = Well Run Home

One of the best ways for we ADD Moms to keep our life running smoothly is to turn positive actions into good habits. So much of our life seems to run on auto pilot anyway; making a conscious effort to develop good habits just makes our life easier. Bernice from The Stressed Mom understands this […]

The Sunday Night Plan

For most of us, Sundays are the end of the weekend and the end of our time off. Monday is a new workday, whether you work outside the home or in it. Sunday nights are a great time to get yourself ready for the coming week. (For some things you might want to start sooner.) […]

An Organized Home

Did you ever wish for a well organized home? What am I asking???? We all have, haven’t we? A nice neat and tidy space where everything is in it’s place. My mother-in-law used to wish for a stainless steel house with drains in every room. And no flat surfaces. Everything slanted down. That way, no […]

Organizing Your Fridge

I’ve been doing a lot of food shopping lately at a warehouse club, so right now I’ve got a lot of food in the house. A good deal of it is in the fridge. I’ve noticed, though, that some of the shelves have gotten so crowded that you can’t see what is in the back […]