Simplify Your Life: One Good Habit

  I’m about to show you something shocking; something you may find hard to believe. Are you ready? That awful mess up there is my living room. Well, a part of it anyway. And don’t be led into thinking that I decided that today I would get out my Halloween decorations and put them up. […]

The Power of the Broom

Did you know that a broom can be a powerful thing? No, not that kind of broom. 😉 This kind of broom. And where does the magic of this kind of broom come from? It’s power lies in the act of using it. Not just to get your floors clean, but as a form of […]

BBQ Sauce & ADHD

The other day I decided to make peach BBQ sauce. From scratch. Seriously? Do I have so much leisure time that I can take a few hours to make peach BBQ sauce? (No.) A simple trip to the store would have worked. Well, I did make a trip to the store, but to buy ingredients […]

3 Ways to Make Some Time for You

I think that it’s appropriate to talk about taking time for yourself on Mother’s Day. And yes, I know it’s Mother’s Day evening as I write this, and that you may be reading it after Mother’s Day and that you might not even be a mom. All of that is OK. The important thing is […]

A New Direction

No, not the boy band. Definitely not the boy band. What I mean by a new direction is a new direction for me and maybe for you. Things have been super stressful for me for the last 5 months or so and they continue to be as my dad transitions from hospital to nursing home […]

A More Purposeful Life

How would you like to have a more purposeful life? A more purposeful life is one that is more about where you want to go with your life and what you want to accomplish and less about scrubbing baseboards and organizing clutter. How do you get from here to there? It’s a process, but one […]