Tired? It Could be Your ADHD

Note: this post includes an affiliate link. Do you feel tired and worn out much of the time? Do you find it hard to get up in the morning because you’re still exhausted? Do you hit your stride after dinner, working into the late night hours? I always thought that those traits were just part […]

5 Ways to Lower Your Stress Level

As ADD women, we are familiar with stress. I think most women are, but when you add in ADHD, it seems to multiply it’s effect. Add some anxiety and overwhelm in there for good measure – thank you ADHD – and it’s easy to see why we are feeling so tense. Now before I get […]

6 Ways Yoga can Help Your ADHD Symptoms

Do you practice yoga? I don’t do it on a regular basis, although I should, but I do love it. It’s peaceful nature appeals to my frazzled body and brain and I love what it does for strength and flexibility. Did you know that yoga can also benefit your ADHD symptoms? Here are 6 ways […]

The Easiest Way to Improve Your Focus

Yep, that’s right. One of the easiest ways to improve your focus is to drink water, preferably throughout the day. And preferably from a glass or reusable container rather than a plastic bottle cause there are way too many in our landfills already. When you are well hydrated your ability to think clearly is improved. […]

8 Natural Ways to Help Your ADHD Symptoms

A lot of people who have ADHD take medication to help them manage their symptoms and that’s perfectly fine. But others prefer to use natural methods and that’s OK too. Before I begin my list of 8 natural ways to help your ADHD symptoms, let me just say a few things in general. Natural methods […]

How to Feel Less Tired

Have you been feeling tired lately? For the last few months, it was all I could do to get through the day without a nap. And I mean I could take a nap from 9:00 – 10:30 at night and then go to bed at 12:30 and sleep all night. Lately I’ve been feeling better […]