The Attention Problem (and How to Fix It)

goldfish, attention, focus, ADHD

The Goldfish Myth Those of us with ADHD have a problem with attention. You may have read (in many different places) that today the average American has an attention span of 8 seconds – shorter than that of a goldfish. This “theory” is from a 2015 study done by Microsoft, and it’s since been challenged […]

Are You Acting or Reacting?

phone, act or react, goals, planner

Acting or Reacting? What’s the Difference? Just for clarity’s sake, let’s define these two ideas: Reacting is simply that. You respond to whatever is happening around you without any forethought. Your phone beeps or vibrates; you have a new message, so you check it immediately. Acting is behaving in a manner that shows some thought […]

How Many People are Living in Your Head?

ADHD, judgement

Other People No, I don’t mean to imply that you’ve got actual other personalities in your head. That would be something altogether different than ADHD. And I don’t mean that you hear voices, like schizophrenics do. I guess what I do mean is that your head is always crowded with other people’s opinions and judgements […]

All I Wanted was a Recipe

Guess what? You can find this post in the spring 2018 edition of ADDitude Magazine! I’m SO excited! Have you ever started to do something simple, something that should only take a minute or so, only to have it consume hours of your time? Oh, and while it’s consuming your time, it’s also testing your […]

Colored Pencils, Markers, and ADHD

Have you noticed the recent popularity of adult coloring books? They’re everywhere, at all kinds of prices. Including free, if you do a search on the internet or Pinterest. I actually considered buying some for my daughters for Christmas, but ended up deciding against it. The topic came up, however, over the holidays, and we […]

Teepees and ADHD

We spend a lot of time talking about the negative aspects of having ADHD. We’re forgetful, can’t focus or pay attention, can’t get organized or manage our time effectively. But there are some good things about having ADHD. We are right brained thinkers. That means that we think outside the box. We see connections where […]