Clean Up Your Act

Ever have one of those days? I’ve been on an on again/off again streak with cleaning lately. This time of year it always gets to me. While I understand the traditional spring cleaning routines – clearing out the house after having been shut tight all winter – it makes just as much sense to me […]

Longing for Order

As An ADD Woman, you probably find yourself in the midst of chaos more than you would like. And you may find yourself longing for order. I understand. I can relate.   I think that having ADHD means we are always longing for some kind of order in our lives. Either that, or we are […]

Organizing Ideas from Pinterest

Organizing Ideas from Pinterest - An ADD Woman

Are you as addicted to Pinterest as I am? So many great ideas and so much to look at! An ADD Woman’s dream! Today I was looking for organizing ideas because my house closets are totally out of control. I found lots of ideas, but one Pin led me to a goldmine of ideas! It’s […]

A Little Help for 2015

Almost everyone starts the new year with a resolution or two. Lose weight, exercise, stop procrastinating, the usual. And at some point not too far in the distance, those high hopes will fade. On Christmas day I got a Fitbit and vowed to give up Cheetos. I thought for sure that since it was made […]

Taming the Mile Long To Do List

It is the end of 2014 and all day I’ve tried to bring things that belong in this year to an end. One of those things was to write this post. I’ve been around much lately due to my dad’s poor health, but this is my place to share with you and I wanted to […]

Clutter: For Real

You know that as someone with ADHD clutter is an ongoing problem. And that word “ongoing” is key. You can’t just clean things up and expect them to stay that way forever. There isn’t much in life that works that way. There are 3 main reasons that we have issues with clutter: Things are out […]