The Planner Section You Are Missing

Your Planner is Incomplete I don’t care which planner you are using, or whether it is paper or electronic, I can almost guarantee that it is missing one vital section: your home. We have planners in order to keep our lives straight. To get us to appointments on time, or at least remind us that […]
Colored Pencils, Markers, and ADHD

Have you noticed the recent popularity of adult coloring books? They’re everywhere, at all kinds of prices. Including free, if you do a search on the internet or Pinterest. I actually considered buying some for my daughters for Christmas, but ended up deciding against it. The topic came up, however, over the holidays, and we […]
Simplify Your Papers

Note: This post contains affiliate links. If you click on the link and purchase the product, the seller gives me a slight incentive. Your price does not change. This weekend my husband and I went on a great big purging spree. We tackled most of the downstairs and got rid of a lot of […]
Simplifying the Mail

Do you have issues with your mail at your house? I know I do. I’ve purchased a couple of different sorter kinds of things over the years in an effort to try and organize and contain the mail but they never work. Mail and paper in general has to be one of the worst […]
Simplify Your To Do List
Are you like me? Do you have an overwhelming and out of control to do list? Even though I have a couple of ways to keep my list manageable, now and then it gets the best of me. I think a lot of us with ADHD tend to walk around with too much going […]
How Do You Get Things Done?

That’s an honest question. What? You think cause I write this blog and am the resident ADHD Expert at, that I have all the answers? Nope. Not even close. I struggle with getting things done just like you do. Sure, I have some great ideas on how to do it all, and sometimes I […]