Giving Yourself What You Need

As women and/or moms, we are really good at putting our needs last. And when our ADHD complicates and confuses our lives further, it becomes even easier to let our needs go. That’s not good. It’s not good for us nor is it good for our families and the people who surround us. And when […]

Hormones and ADHD

I have always believed in a holistic approach to Attention Deficit Disorder because ADHD doesn’t just live in one part of your brain; things that go on in your body can affect your ADHD too. As ADD Moms, we already know how hormones can affect our lives. Our weight, our shape, our emotions and even […]

ADHD: The Basics

There are always people newly diagnosed with ADHD who have questions about what it is, so I thought a little ADD 101 was in order. ADD, ADHD, Attention Deficit Disorder – which one is it? Many years ago when Attention Deficit Disorder was first being recognized, it was thought that there were two kinds: ADD […]

5 Ways to Take Some Time for You

We all know the importance of taking time for ourselves and yet we rarely do it. Why not? Oh, wait. I know. You’re too busy. You’re behind. Other people are more important. WRONG. You’re important too. Just as important as anyone else. And you need to take some time for you so that you can […]

Take a Minute

Actually, take more than a minute. How about 30? Could you spare 30 minutes a day for yourself? You need to find a way. Have you ever felt like you’re being bombarded on all sides from just too much stuff? You have a million things to do, your kids, your spouse, your boss wants/needs you […]

What Do You Value?

What do you value in your life and does the life you are living reflect those values? Have you ever thought about that? Or have you been too busy trying to keep up with life and your ADHD to think about it? It’s a really important question. Do you want to get to the end […]