Surviving Social Situations

“Tis the Season Now is probably the busiest time of year for social interactions, whether that means office Christmas parties, a cookie exchange at a friend’s house, or meeting a few people for dinner. And if you ask me, they’re all hell. There needs to be a way to survive social situations easily. Call me […]
Appearance & Self Esteem

Do You Like How You Look? Does the answer to that question depend on other things? And did you know that it affects your self esteem? Like how much you weigh, or what you’re wearing, or whether or not you put on makeup today? Do you compare yourself to others and judge accordingly? I […]
How Many People are Living in Your Head?

Other People No, I don’t mean to imply that you’ve got actual other personalities in your head. That would be something altogether different than ADHD. And I don’t mean that you hear voices, like schizophrenics do. I guess what I do mean is that your head is always crowded with other people’s opinions and judgements […]
Do You Have a Voice?

Note: this is not a political post. I try to respect everyone’s opinion. I am only using this because I feel it is a powerful example of finding your voice. On January 21, 2017, women and their supporters gathered to march for women’s rights here in the United States. They were joined by others all across […]
Cupcakes and Potato Chips

Note: I was recently made aware that the link that was provided to me was incorrect. It has been changed and should work now. Did you know that your eating habits could be influenced by your ADHD? And that it can be harder to lose weight if you have ADHD? Not only that, but binge […]
Downward Dog Your ADHD

Downward dog is a yoga pose. Basically you have your hands and feet on the floor about a foot or so apart so your body kind of looks like an upside down V. Now, downward dog may not necessarily be the pose for you, but yoga in general could be. Yoga has a lot of […]