How ADHD Affects Your Weight, Part 2

ADHD Weight, Part 2 an ADD woman

  Last time we talked about how cognitive functioning can affect your attempts at weight loss. Self Regulation and Weight This time, we are going to talk about self regulation and how that affects your weight. I can hear you thinking, you know. 😉 You’re thinking that if you didn’t have such poor self regulation […]

5 Ways to Get Help with Your ADHD

Sometimes we all can use a helping hand. You need support, or just someone who will listen, or maybe some advice from someone who’s been there. That’s especially true when you have Attention Deficit Disorder. Living with ADHD is hard. It’s even harder if you’re the only one in the family who has it, because […]

How Does Your ADHD Affect You?

I think that all of us who have ADHD hold back a little part of who we really are unless we are among people we are comfortable with. For instance, the day my daughter Sarah put a pot lid on her head and pretended it was a hat – in front of her boyfriend – […]

Cabin Fever and ADHD

Do you know what cabin fever is? It’s that feeling you get about this time of year when everything outside seems to be some shade of gray, you haven’t seen the sun in days, you’re sick of being cooped up in the house, and you just want to be warm. Those of us with ADHD […]

Why YOU Are Important

Do I really even need to write this post? Do you really need someone to tell you how important you are? Based on the way you (don’t) take care of yourself, maybe I do. I know. As women we are taught to be nice and polite. Be a good girl. Share with others and never […]

Solving Your Issues with ADHD

You know, over the years I have learned to manage my ADHD symptoms to the point where they are rarely a problem at all. It wasn’t always like that. I used to be so disorganized, always late, always losing things and then frantically searching for them. Don’t forget: I’m the woman who invited 10 people […]