Cupcakes and Potato Chips

Note: I was recently made aware that the link that was provided to me was incorrect. It has been changed and should work now. Did you know that your eating habits could be influenced by your ADHD? And that it can be harder to lose weight if you have ADHD? Not only that, but binge […]

Procrastinate Now, Panic Later

Once upon a time, 28 years ago, I was completely ready for Christmas by Dec 1st. You see, I had a baby due on the 31st who was scheduled for a C section on the 17th. Everything had to be done ahead of time. Her brother – also scheduled for a C section – had […]

A Cozy Blanket for Your ADHD

Did you know that a blanket can actually help your ADHD symptoms? It can help calm you down, relax you, and lower stress and anxiety. It can even help you sleep better at night. But not just any blanket. A therapeutic weighted blanket. Applying weight and slight pressure to the body has long been a […]

Meditate in Color

When my son Andy was 2 he witnessed our German Shepherd Lucy get run over by a truck. He didn’t cry or seem to understand, but I was worried about how it might affect him, so I asked my daughter’s pre-school teacher for advice. She told me to buy some paper and watercolors and let […]

Reiki for ADHD

Have you ever heard of Reiki? (It’s pronounced ray key.) Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. The practitioner connects your energy to Divine energy (whatever your definition of that is) and helps to rebalance and realign the energy in your body. I know. It sounds very woo woo, but really it isn’t. It’s […]


Do you ever feel overwhelmed? I know I do. It’s pretty common for people with ADHD to feel that way. We have difficulty prioritizing; to us, everything seems equally important. Often we choose to do something not because it is important to get done right away, but because we’re afraid that if we don’t do […]