Solving Your Issues with ADHD

You know, over the years I have learned to manage my ADHD symptoms to the point where they are rarely a problem at all. It wasn’t always like that. I used to be so disorganized, always late, always losing things and then frantically searching for them. Don’t forget: I’m the woman who invited 10 people […]

How Do You Know You Have ADHD?

My husband is a big Dr. Oz fan. I just happened to be in the room a few minutes ago when Dr. Oz did a promo for tomorrow’s program. Its about how you can tell if you have ADHD. That’s actually a good question. How did you know that you had ADHD? Did you figure […]

Time Management Tools

As ADDers we often find ourselves with too much to do and too little time to do it in. We have issues with time in general. And no, don’t tell us that everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. We won’t believe you. 😉 I found a great website that reviews a number […]

Getting There on Time

We ADDers have all kinds of issues with time. Time is very elastic for us. It is either numbingly slow or so fast we can’t keep up, depending on the circumstances. We also have issues managing time, although a non ADD person will tell you that we all have the same 24 hours. It doesn’t […]

Time Management Personality Types

I found this great article by Susan Ward on Time Management Personality Types at Small Business Canada. In the article Ms. Ward describes 5 different time management personality types: the Fireman, the over committer, the Aquarian, the Chatty Kathy and the perfectionist. You’ll have to read the article to find out which type you […]

The Search for the Perfect Planner

If you’re anything like me, you’ve gone through a few planners in your day, sometimes buying more than one each year. The perfect planner will keep you perfectly organized and on time, right? Well, that’s the thinking anyway. The perfect planner has to fit the way we live our days and the things that we […]